Jim Jordan’s Second Bid for Speaker Amid House Leadership Crisis


In a turbulent turn of events, the House of Representatives finds itself in disarray, entering its 10th day without a speaker. This leadership crisis was triggered after a group of GOP lawmakers ousted former Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy from his position. The aftermath has left the lower chamber paralyzed, unable to make any legislative progress. … Read more

Intensifying Chaos: Scalise’s Speakership Bid Uncertainty in House GOP


The House Republican Party finds itself mired in deepening disarray as it grapples with internal divisions regarding the selection of its next speaker. Ironically, this ongoing feud is contributing to a perception of dysfunction within the US government at a time when global crises are worsening. While GOP lawmakers did nominate Steve Scalise for the … Read more

Post-McCarthy Ouster: House Paralyzed as Shutdown Deadline Looms


As the dust settles following the historic removal of Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the House of Representatives finds itself in disarray. The ramifications of this leadership crisis extend far beyond political turmoil. At the heart of the matter lies a looming government funding crisis, with the odds of a November shutdown growing ever higher. On October … Read more

Kevin McCarthy Ousted: Current Speaker of the House and Speaker Candidates Explained


In a historic turn of events, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, was removed from his position, leaving numerous questions about the future leadership and functionality of the House. This surprising move came after 269 days of McCarthy’s tenure as Speaker and has significant implications for the nation’s political landscape. After McCarthy’s removal, … Read more

Kevin McCarthy ousted as House Speaker in a historic vote


In an unprecedented turn of events, Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Speaker of the House, faced a historic ousting by a faction of House Republicans. This stunning 216-to-210 vote marked the first time in U.S. history that the House had removed its leader. The political turmoil unfolded just days after Congress narrowly averted a government shutdown, … Read more