Israel-Gaza Conflict 2023: Under Siege


In a tragic escalation of violence, Israel intensified its bombing campaign in Gaza. This relentless assault has plunged the region into darkness as electricity outages worsen. With fears of the conflict spreading, the United States extends its support amidst the growing crisis. As Israel carried out heavy bombardments across the Gaza Strip for the fifth … Read more

Biden Strongly Backs Israel Against Hamas Terror


In a solemn address, President Joe Biden condemned the “sheer evil” of the recent Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, with at least 14 Americans among the casualties and several more held captive. This act of terrorism has resulted in over 1,800 casualties and raised concerns over the safety of U.S. citizens. U.S. President Joe Biden … Read more

Uncovering the 2023 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Historical Insight


The year 2023 has witnessed one of the most brutal and intense phases of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in recent history. Hamas terrorists have launched a relentless barrage of rockets into Israel while armed gunmen infiltrated Southern Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared, “We are at war, and we will win it.” While reminiscent of … Read more

Hamas Launches Major Attack on Israel


In one of the most significant attacks in years, Palestinian fighters infiltrated southern Israel, launching rockets from Gaza. This post delves into the details, consequences, and global responses to the Hamas offensive. As dawn broke, the Gaza Strip erupted in rocket fire aimed at southern Israel. The attack, lasting nearly half an hour, left at … Read more