Why New Hampshire Voters Stand Firmly by Trump

DERRY, N.H. – As former President Donald Trump files for New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation Republican primary, his unwavering supporters reveal three compelling reasons behind their steadfast loyalty.

Gathered at the New England Sports Center in Derry, New Hampshire, Trump’s message – “Vote for Trump, solve your problems” – serves as more than a quip; it’s a rallying cry that solidifies their support.


Despite ongoing legal challenges, they remain resolute in their backing. Recent developments, including legal indictments, have not deterred Trump’s followers. In fact, many rally attendees supported the 2024 race, even in the face of four ongoing criminal trials against the former president.

“Despite the trials, he’s the only one who can handle the job at hand,” said Chris Wood, a 65-year-old child support officer from Concord, New Hampshire. His sentiments echoed through the crowd.

Just days before Trump’s filing, his legal case in Fulton County, Georgia, was hit as two former attorneys, Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, entered plea deals. These deals compel them to testify at the trials of their co-defendants, which may include Trump himself.

While political figures on both sides of the spectrum, such as former Rep. Liz Cheney and New Hampshire Sen. Maggie Hassan, have voiced concerns about what another Trump presidency could bring, the state’s GOP voters continue to embrace him. The most recent Suffolk University/Boston Globe survey in New Hampshire revealed Trump enjoying nearly 50% support, granting him a 30-point lead over his closest rival, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

Trump on House Speaker Race While Officially Filing to Be on New Hampshire Primary Ballot. Monday, October 23, 2023.

Here are the three key factors driving this unwavering support, as expressed by voters at the New Hampshire rally:

1. Trump as a ‘Man for the People’

While Trump’s often contentious and unfiltered speaking style may not win him universal popularity, his base sees past it. To many supporters, it’s not about charisma but Trump’s commitment to delivering on his promises.

Cathlene Harvey, a 73-year-old Epping resident, acknowledges that Trump might come across as a “jerk” whom “nobody likes.” Still, she firmly believes he was one of the best U.S. presidents, citing a sense of security during his tenure.

This sentiment echoed among rally attendees, including Audrey Wendell, a political enthusiast who traveled two hours from East Providence, Rhode Island, to witness Trump’s speech. For her, Trump’s appeal lies in being a “man for the people” who addresses the issues that genuinely matter to Americans.

Trump on track to win Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina.

2. Concerns About the Economy and Energy Prices

Economic factors are pivotal in New Hampshire, a state ranking second in the nation for households relying on oil for heating. Many residents are acutely aware of energy price fluctuations, and this concern impacts their support for Trump.

Ken and Diane Galvin, a couple from Derry planning to retire soon, cite fuel costs as a motivating factor in their continued endorsement of Trump. They express unease about the implications of rising energy expenses, especially for their adult children.

Trump’s America-first approach has consistently resonated with voters, particularly during conflicts in Israel and Ukraine. Claudia Miller voices the frustration of many voters, emphasizing the need to prioritize domestic job creation over international financial commitments.

President Donald Trump is the leading Republican primary candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

3. Trump’s ‘Peace Through Strength’ Pledge

While Trump maintains his America-first stance, he doesn’t advocate complete disengagement from international commitments. During his speech in Derry, he assured Americans that he would restore peace through strength, aiming to prevent potential global conflicts. This commitment received widespread applause, resonating with voters concerned about the Biden administration’s foreign policy approach.

The diverse reasons behind New Hampshire voters continued loyalty to Trump underscore the depth of his connection with his base. Despite legal challenges and political opposition, Trump remains potent in the 2024 political landscape.

In Conclusion

Despite the legal challenges and political divisions, New Hampshire voters remain dedicated to Trump’s cause. His unwavering support signals the potency of his connection with his base and underscores his enduring presence in the 2024 political landscape.

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