Israeli Missiles Target Syria Airports, Disrupting Operations

Israeli forces reportedly strike Damascus and Aleppo airports, causing operational disruption. As the conflict in Gaza rages on, the region remains on edge.

Israeli airstrikes target Aleppo and Damascus airports amid ongoing conflict on Thursday, 12 October 2023.

In a recent development, Syrian state media has reported that Israeli forces launched missile attacks on Syria’s two major international airports, severely damaging their runways and rendering them inoperable. Both Damascus and Aleppo airports have been affected, forcing incoming and outgoing flights to be diverted to Latakia, a city in northwest Syria.

Israel, as is often the case, has not officially commented on this strike. However, it’s essential to note that Israel has previously launched attacks on targets in Syria, primarily those linked to Iran and its regional interests.

Both Syrian state TV and the UK-based war monitor, the Syrian Organisation for Human Rights (SOHR), corroborated the reports of the Israeli airstrikes on Damascus and Aleppo airports. According to Syrian state TV, the strikes constituted “Israeli aggression”, explicitly targeting these airports. Concurrently, the SOHR reported witnessing smoke billowing from the air defense systems’ efforts to counter these alleged attacks, further solidifying the strike’s occurrence. It is now widely believed that both airports are currently out of service.

Israeli missiles strike near Damascus airport

This incident transpired against escalating tensions in the Middle East, especially considering the ongoing strife in Gaza involving Israel and Hamas insurgents. Israel’s recent airstrikes in Syria have been part of a broader strategy, targeting Syrian military installations, Iranian assets, and sites affiliated with Hezbollah. These attacks have included weapons and ammunition depots in various regions.

It’s worth highlighting that Israel seldom officially confirms its airstrikes in Syria, although it continually asserts its dedication to countering Iran’s attempts to establish a strong military presence in the country.

Shafaq News / Syrian authorities announced on Thursday that Israeli airstrikes targeted Aleppo and Damascus International airports, while state-affiliated media outlets reported their disruption. The announcement of these particular airstrikes arrived through Syrian state television. Furthermore, the semi-official newspaper “Al-Watan” elucidated that “the aggression targeted the runways of both airports”, disrupting their operations.

Simultaneously, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported hearing powerful explosions originating from Israeli strikes near Damascus and Aleppo International Airports.

It’s pertinent to note that these airports play a multifaceted role, facilitating both civil aviation and hosting military bases. These military bases are reportedly transit points for Iranian arms destined for Hezbollah, a potent terrorist group with a significant presence in both Syria and Lebanon.

The Syrian state media cited an unnamed military source who described these Israeli strikes as “simultaneous” and highlighted their destructive impact on the airports’ landing strips. The source characterized these attacks as a “desperate” Israeli attempt to divert attention from the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

While Syria is no stranger to Israeli airstrikes, this incident unfolds at a particularly sensitive juncture, coinciding with the tumultuous situation in Gaza. The conflict between Israel and Hamas terrorists, now in its fifth day, has resulted in considerable destruction and loss of life.

These Israeli missile strikes also align with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad‘s recent call to Islamic and Arab countries for support of the Palestinian cause. The leaders emphasize the need for unified actions to protect the Palestinian population, particularly in the Gaza Strip.

Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, had plans to travel to Syria as part of a regional tour. He has already arrived in Iraq and is also expected to visit Lebanon. His tour is regarded as Tehran’s effort to rally regional backing for Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip. Iran, a staunch opponent of Israel, has lauded Hamas’ surprise attack, which led to significant casualties among Israeli civilians.

With escalating hostilities in Gaza and its environs, there have been sporadic exchanges of fire between Israel and terrorists in southern Lebanon and Syria. Israel has dispatched reinforcements to its northern regions to preempt potential attacks by Hezbollah.

It’s vital to acknowledge the prominent role that Iran, Hezbollah, and Russia play as key allies of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in his protracted struggle against opposition groups and the so-called Islamic State (IS). Russia’s foreign ministry has strongly condemned Israel’s missile strike on Syria, expressing concerns over the threat these actions pose to the lives of innocent civilians and international air traffic.

In light of the “sharp deterioration” in Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians, Russia believes such forceful actions can have extremely perilous consequences, potentially sparking a wider armed escalation across the region.

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