Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps: A Threat to U.S. Interests and Recent Airstrikes

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran has long been considered a significant threat to US interests worldwide. The IRGC utilizes military, paramilitary, and terrorist proxies, which have led to confrontations between the US and Tehran. The recent US strikes against facilities linked to Iranian-backed militias in Syria have raised questions about the current capabilities of the IRGC and the potential threat it poses to US interests. This article explores the nature of the IRGC, its activities, and the reasons behind the US airstrikes.

Introduction : Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is a crucial component of Iran’s armed forces, separate from its conventional military. Established after the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the IRGC’s primary role is to defend Iran’s revolutionary regime, particularly the religious leaders known as the mullahs. The IRGC consists of ground, naval, and air forces, the Basij internal security militia, and the elite Quds Force, responsible for external operations.

Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, centre, with Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps chief Hossein Salami, centre right, and IRGC military commander General Mohammad Bagheri, centre left in Tehran.

The Threat Posed by the IRGC

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is considered a significant threat to US interests due to its support for militant groups and its involvement in covert operations. Through the Quds Force, the IRGC provides assistance to militant groups in various countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, the Palestinian territories, Syria, and Yemen. The IRGC’s control over sectors of the Iranian economy helps fund its activities, and US sanctions have not limited its regional ambitions.

One of the most dangerous proxy groups supported by the IRGC is Hezbollah, a Lebanon-based terrorist organization responsible for killing Americans since the 1983 bombing of the US Marine barracks in Beirut. The IRGC’s activities also extend to providing advanced military equipment to Hezbollah, including air defense systems, missiles, and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The Quds Force has conducted covert operations worldwide, training and arming Shia militant partners and proxies in the Middle East.

US Strikes Against Iranian-Backed Militias

The recent US airstrikes targeted facilities in Syria linked to Iranian-backed militias. These strikes were conducted in response to a series of drone and rocket attacks against US forces in the region, believed to be connected to Iran and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stated that the airstrikes targeted facilities used by the IRGC and affiliated groups. The US aims to hold Iran accountable for its actions and prevent further attacks against US forces.

The IRGC’s Role in Prompting US Airstrikes

The airstrikes were prompted by injuries sustained by 21 American troops during previous drone and rocket strikes by Iran-backed militia groups in Iraq and Syria. The attacks resulted in the death of a US contractor. President Joe Biden warned Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, that the US would respond if American troops were harmed. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian also issued threats at the United Nations General Assembly, warning of consequences if Israel’s military assault on Gaza continued.

IRGC: Nation State’s Military or Terrorist Organization?

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has been accused numerous times of plotting the assassination and kidnapping and operating as State's Terrorist Organization.

According to the US, Israel, and other countries, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is considered both a nation-state’s military and a terrorist organization. The IRGC, based in Iran, has conducted numerous operations, primarily in Iraq and Syria, as well as globally. The elite Quds Force, a part of the IRGC, has targeted the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other adversaries. The Quds Force has been involved in covert operations, providing support to militant groups and proxies, including Hezbollah. The US designated the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization in 2019.


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran poses a significant threat to US interests due to its support for militant groups and involvement in covert operations. The recent US airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias in Syria aimed to hold Iran accountable for attacks against US forces. The IRGC’s activities, including its support for Hezbollah and other proxy groups, have raised concerns about regional stability and the potential for further escalation. The US and its allies continue to monitor the actions of the IRGC and take necessary measures to protect their interests.

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