Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar Takes Charge of Hostage Negotiations

Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader responsible for planning the Oct 7 attacks, has taken direct control of the negotiations for the release of hostages, despite Israeli forces actively pursuing him. Reports indicate that Sinwar has been in contact with Qatari mediators as he handles the negotiations. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has referred to Sinwar as a “dead man.” It is worth noting that Yahya Sinwar remains in Gaza, unlike other members of Hamas’s political wing who reside in Qatar and Turkey.

Yahya Sinwar is in contact with Qatari mediators - has reportedly taken control of the deal from inside Gaza as negotiations ‘narrow’

According to Israeli defense officials, there are concerns that Yahya Sinwar’s recent success during the Oct 7 attacks has left him “euphoric” and unwilling to compromise during the negotiations. They emphasize the urgent need to reach a deal in case Sinwar severs communication in response to any escalation in the conflict. Israeli officials are reportedly finalizing plans for targeted raids in southern Gaza, where a significant number of civilians have sought refuge.

On Monday, US President Joe Biden expressed optimism, stating that a deal to free approximately 50 of the 240 hostages held by Hamas was “near.”

Recent reports from JPost, an Israeli news website, suggest that Yahya Sinwar temporarily halted negotiations after the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) raided Al-Shifa hospital last week. However, he has since resumed contact with Qatari mediators, and sources indicate that his position is gradually aligning with the possibility of reaching a deal. These sources claim that Sinwar has agreed to release more hostages than initially planned.

As per the prospective terms of the agreement, Israel would agree to a ceasefire lasting up to five days for the release of the captives. In return, Hamas would assist in locating individuals held by other Palestinian groups. Sinwar’s demand includes a halt to Israel’s aerial surveillance of Gaza during the ceasefire, allowing Hamas operatives to operate without being monitored.

While neither Israel nor Qatar have confirmed direct negotiations with Yahya Sinwar, it is worth noting that he learned to speak Hebrew during his time in prison. A non-Israeli source with personal knowledge of Sinwar describes him as a “sociopath,” willing to sacrifice countless lives to achieve his objectives.

Israeli negotiator Gershon Baskin, who played a role in securing the release of Private Gilad Shalit in exchange for over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, including Yahya Sinwar, expressed skepticism regarding Sinwar’s direct involvement in the negotiations due to security concerns. Baskin believes it is implausible that Yahya Sinwar would personally negotiate with Israel or that Israel would engage in direct talks with him.

Israeli negotiator Gershon Baskin

The Red Cross announced that its president traveled to Qatar to meet with Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’s political leader based in Qatar, to address humanitarian issues related to the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza. The Red Cross has previously been involved in facilitating the transfer and release of hostages from Gaza.

To date, Hamas has released only four hostages captured in southern Israel on Oct 7. Some families have voiced opposition to Israel’s ground operation in Gaza, fearing for their safety.

Earlier on Monday, a heated confrontation occurred between hardline Israeli MPs and relatives of hostages captured by Hamas over a bill supporting the death penalty for terrorists. Right-wing members of the Israeli parliament accused the families of being exploited by Hamas. Israel’s security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, later shared a photograph of himself hugging a family member of one of the hostages. However, a cousin of hostage Carmel Gat, Gil Dickmann, requested that Ben-Gvir refrain from embracing him, stating on social media that the families were being used for political gain.

Israeli airstrikes continued in Gaza on Monday, while the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a successful operation to evacuate premature babies to Egypt. WHO facilitated the transfer of 31 prematurely born babies from the besieged Al-Shifa hospital to Egypt. The organization emphasized that the remaining babies require ongoing healthcare due to severe infections. The Israeli army stated that it assisted in facilitating the transfer.

Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, the WHO Director-General

Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, the WHO Director-General, expressed his dismay over an Israeli airstrike on the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza City. Local officials reported that Israeli tanks surrounded the hospital during the attack. The airstrike, the largest to target a medical facility after Al-Shifa Hospital, resulted in the deaths of at least 12 people, according to the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry. An estimated 700 patients and hospital staff, along with several thousand displaced individuals, were present at the hospital at the time.

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