Hamas Launches Major Attack on Israel

In one of the most significant attacks in years, Palestinian fighters infiltrated southern Israel, launching rockets from Gaza. This post delves into the details, consequences, and global responses to the Hamas offensive.

As dawn broke, the Gaza Strip erupted in rocket fire aimed at southern Israel. The attack, lasting nearly half an hour, left at least one woman dead and 15 others injured. Palestinian fighters reportedly infiltrated areas of southern Israel during the onslaught.

The aftermath of a rocket attack launched from Gaza in Ashkelon, Israel.

Hamas Announces “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”

Mohammed Deif, a high-ranking Hamas military commander, declared the commencement of “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” in a broadcast on Hamas media. He called upon Palestinians worldwide to join in the fight. Deif’s message was clear: “We’ve decided to say enough is enough.” He urged all Palestinians to confront Israel, emphasizing that this battle aimed to end the last occupation on earth. The rockets launched numbered at least 5,000.

Israel’s Response and Ongoing Tensions

Israel’s military urged residents living near the Gaza Strip to remain in their homes and warned of severe repercussions for Hamas. Reports emerged of armed fighters firing upon civilians in Sderot, a town in southern Israel. Social media circulated videos depicting uniformed Palestinian fighters involved in clashes near the border and images of a burning Israeli tank.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened with top security officials in response to the crisis. The early morning attack, involving infiltrations by Palestinian fighters and rocket barrages, caught Israelis by surprise and left them “shocked and stunned.”

These hostilities followed weeks of escalating tensions along Israel’s volatile border with Gaza and clashes in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. This year, Israeli forces have killed at least 247 Palestinians, while Palestinian attacks have claimed the lives of 32 Israelis and two foreign nationals.

Hamas declares start of major operation against Israel, at least 22 Israelis killed

Hamas Calls for Global Support

Hamas issued a call for “the resistance fighters in the West Bank” and urged “our Arab and Islamic nations” to join the battle. Saleh al-Arouri, an exiled Hamas leader, framed the operation as a response to “the crimes of the occupation.” Palestinian fighters sought to defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and secure the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.

Israeli Mobilization and State of Alert

In response to Hamas’ operation, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant authorized the mobilization of army reservists. Israel’s military declared a “state of war alert” earlier in the day.

Key Developments as of 09:30 GMT (05:30 EST)

Here are the key developments to date:

  1. Hamas launched “Operation Al Aqsa Flood”, its most significant offensive against Israel in decades.
  2. Israeli media reported six deaths and nearly 200 injuries in the ongoing Hamas attack.
  3. The Israeli army initiated “Operation Iron Swords” against Hamas in Gaza, with Prime Minister Netanyahu declaring Israel is in a “war” it “will win.”
  4. An Israeli retaliatory strike hit the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza, resulting in at least one death and multiple injuries.
  5. Lebanese armed group Hezbollah monitors the situation in Gaza and remains in direct contact with Palestinian resistance leadership.
  6. Reports suggest that Palestinian fighters from Gaza have “infiltrated” Israel, with video evidence depicting Palestinian fighters holding Israelis hostage.
  7. The US embassy in Israel closely monitors the security situation, while the EU expresses solidarity with Israel.

International Reactions

  • The UK “unequivocally condemns” Hamas’ attack and supports Israel’s right to self-defense.
  • Germany “firmly condemns” the terrorist attacks and calls for an end to violence.
  • Italy backs “Israel’s right to defend itself” against the “brutal attack” by Hamas.

Israeli Casualties Surge

Israeli emergency services report at least 22 deaths in Israel since the start of the Hamas attack.

Hamas Announces Capture of Israeli Soldiers

Hamas’ Al-Qassam Brigades claim to have captured several Israeli soldiers during “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.”

This article provides an in-depth analysis of the recent escalation between Hamas and Israel, offering insight into the ongoing conflict’s implications and international responses. Stay informed as this situation continues to unfold.

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