Biden and Xi Forge Path to Combat Fentanyl, Restore Military Dialogue at San Francisco Summit

In a groundbreaking summit held at the Filoli Historic House & Garden near San Francisco, President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping achieved significant milestones in their efforts to combat the production and distribution of fentanyl, as well as restore open lines of communication between their respective militaries.

President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping met Wednesday on the sidelines of the APEC summit, reaching agreements in key areas including curbs on the production of fentanyl and the resumption of military-to-military communications.

During a news conference following the summit, President Biden disclosed that President Xi had agreed to take decisive actions to restrict the supply of chemicals used in the production of fentanyl. This move demonstrates a shared commitment to addressing the global opioid crisis, which has claimed countless lives. Furthermore, China and the United States have established mechanisms to facilitate improved communication between military leaders, thereby reducing the risk of misunderstandings and promoting global stability.

President Biden emphasized the importance of direct and honest dialogue with competitors, as it forms a key element in maintaining stability on a global scale. He assured reporters that he and President Xi would continue engaging in high-level diplomacy, reaffirming their commitment to open communication. The leaders agreed they could contact each other directly, ensuring their voices were heard immediately.

While addressing the media, President Biden expressed his view that President Xi holds a dictatorial position. This candid statement underscores the open and unfiltered nature of their discussions. The issue of Taiwan, a highly volatile topic in U.S.-China relations, was also broached during the summit. President Xi emphasized the need for a resolution in due course, reflecting China’s perspective on Taiwan as part of its territory, while Taiwan perceives itself as an independent and sovereign nation. The United States continues to provide military support to Taiwan without endorsing its independence.

The Biden-Xi fentanyl hype, which touts a new deal around China fighting fentanyl in exchange for the US dropping sanctions on part of its police state

Regarding potential military action, President Xi assured President Biden that there are no immediate plans. However, both leaders acknowledged the necessity of resolving the Taiwan situation, as conveyed by a senior administration official. President Biden also raised concerns about Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine and the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip during the extensive four-hour conversation. He took the opportunity to share the names of American citizens who have been wrongfully detained or subjected to exit bans in China, expressing hope for their release, although no agreement was reached on this matter.

President Biden addressed the media from the opulent surroundings of a Bay Area estate following his meeting with President Xi. The leaders even took a leisurely stroll through the estate’s grounds, with President Biden offering a thumbs-up gesture to the observing reporters. President Xi, however, departed without engaging with the press.

Chinese President Xi Jinping waves as he walks with U.S. President Joe Biden at Filoli estate on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, to combat the production and distribution of fentanyl in Woodside, California, U.S., November 15, 2023.

President Xi’s recent decision to replace his defense minister sparked interest in the possibility of future military-to-military contacts. According to an anonymous U.S. official, the new defense minister will meet with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once the replacement is announced. The agreements reached during the summit regarding fentanyl and military communication were anticipated, given the parallel Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.

President Biden expressed concern over interrupting military contacts, which can lead to accidents and misunderstandings. He stressed the necessity of direct and clear communication, highlighting the potential dangers of miscalculations between major countries such as China and the United States.

In earlier remarks captured on camera, President Biden reiterated his belief that direct communication between leaders could prevent military conflicts. However, even before the meeting began, differences emerged regarding President Biden’s use of “competition” to describe the relationship between the two nations. President Xi rebuked this description, asserting that major-country competition is not the prevailing trend of the current era and cannot solve the problems faced by China, the United States, or the world at large.

The summit took place at the Filoli Historic House & Garden, a private estate boasting a 654-acre property adorned with 16 acres of English Renaissance gardens, 250 fruit trees, and a pool pavilion. President Biden and President Xi had previously met at the Group of 20 Summit a year ago. The agenda of the San Francisco summit included discussions on Taiwan, fentanyl, and other pressing issues.

Before the meeting, the leaders exchanged handshakes, with President Biden leading President Xi down a red carpet towards the mansion. They shook hands again at the entryway, with President Biden displaying a gesture of familiarity by placing his hand on President Xi’s back. Seated at a long conference table with their delegations, President Biden expressed his unwavering trust in President Xi’s words during their conversations over the years. While acknowledging occasional disagreements, he emphasized the candid, straightforward, and fruitful nature of their meetings.

US President Joe Biden Meets with China’s President Xi Jinping at the Filoli Estate in Woodside, Calif, Wednesday, Nov 15, 2023, combat fentanyl on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperative conference.

President Biden and President Xi’s relationship spans more than a decade, with their initial interactions occurring in 2011 during their tenure as vice presidents of their respective nations. They reconnected in Washington the following year. President Biden underscored the importance of clear understanding and effective communication between leaders, expressing a desire to prevent economic competition from escalating into conflict.

President Xi referenced their previous meeting on the Indonesian island of Bali, alluding to the various global events that have transpired since then. He asserted that the relationship between China and the United States is the most crucial bilateral relationship in the world, emphasizing the need for development that benefits both nations. President Xi also addressed rising protectionism, labeling it a grave problem and emphasizing the need for cooperation rather than turning their backs on one another. He opined that both countries’ successes can be mutually beneficial, as opposed to one being a threat to the other.

The recent summit between President Biden and President Xi marks a significant step forward in combating the fentanyl crisis and fostering open dialogue between their militaries. As the leaders continue to engage in diplomacy, the world watches with anticipation, hopeful for increased cooperation and understanding between the two major global powers.

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