Biden Strongly Backs Israel Against Hamas Terror

In a solemn address, President Joe Biden condemned the “sheer evil” of the recent Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, with at least 14 Americans among the casualties and several more held captive. This act of terrorism has resulted in over 1,800 casualties and raised concerns over the safety of U.S. citizens.

U.S. President Joe Biden makes remarks after speaking by phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the situation in Israel following Hamas terror attacks, from the State Dining Room at the White House in Washington, U.S. October 10, 2023

Biden emphasized the unwavering support of the United States for Israel in this time of crisis. He expressed his deep concern regarding the harrowing reports of atrocities, including killing innocent children, brutal assaults on women, and horrifying acts of violence. The President, standing alongside Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken left no room for ambiguity in asserting that the United States stands firmly with Israel.

He made it abundantly clear that there is no justification for terrorism, and Hamas terror does not represent the Palestinian people’s struggle for dignity and self-determination. Instead, it is classified as a terrorist organization by the United States and numerous other nations.

President Biden had a substantial conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and assured Israel of receiving any necessary support to safeguard its citizens and respond to the ongoing Hamas terror attack. He reaffirmed Israel’s right to defend itself with a “swift, decisive, and overwhelming” approach.

Israeli soldiers and tanks are deployed July 10 along the border with the Gaza Strip.

The President acknowledged that 14 Americans have lost their lives due to the assault, emphasizing that the safety of Americans held hostage worldwide is paramount to him. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan reported that “20 or more” Americans are currently unaccounted for, and the United States is actively involved in offering intelligence and expertise to facilitate hostage rescue efforts.

The situation remains complex due to the hostages being held by Hamas terrorists, as the Israeli government initiated an “all-out siege” on Gaza, where the hostages are located. Israel’s military now concentrates on targeting Hamas terrorists and its leaders, but the threat persists due to the uncertainty of Hamas members hiding in wait for further attacks.

In response to this crisis, Israel has summoned 300,000 military reservists, signifying the scale of its challenge. The International community has described the ongoing Hamas terror attack as historically barbaric and brutal.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit Israel to gain firsthand insights into the situation and explore ways in which the United States can extend support. Meanwhile, the USS Gerald R. Ford, accompanied by thousands of sailors and a complement of warplanes, has been deployed to the eastern Mediterranean.

The USS Gerald R. Ford is the US Navy’s newest and most advanced aircraft carrier moved to Eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel.

President Biden clarified that the U.S. military presence is not to combat Hamas terrorists directly but serves as a warning to prevent other groups and nations from exploiting this crisis for their interests. He delivered a stern message to those contemplating such exploitation, emphasizing America’s resolve in this matter.

Furthermore, the President announced his intent to seek funding from Congress to support Israel. He also hinted at requesting additional assistance for Ukraine, although this is a subject of debate among Republicans who argue for prioritizing domestic spending.

Despite this, the administration has not confirmed whether aid to Ukraine and Israel will be bundled into a single package. Sullivan, the National Security Adviser, emphasized that the United States can and should support both Ukraine and Israel, highlighting the broader geopolitical implications if Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Ukraine is left unchecked.

Sullivan underscored the importance of thwarting Putin’s advances early, which could result in far greater costs if Putin successfully annexes Ukraine and turns his ambitions towards additional territories.

President Biden concluded his address by reiterating the United States’ commitment to combating hate and terrorism on the domestic front, stressing that there is no place for hatred against any group, be it Jews, Muslims, or any other community. The United States stands united against terrorism and violence.

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